5 Important health tips for you this month
1. EAT RIGHT AND HEALTHY: Majority of the infections we get are from the foods and drinks we consume. Presently, there is Cholera scare all over the world. Be very mindful of the foods you eat. Cook your foods properly. Wash your fruits thoroughly before eating. Don't just eat anything. Look at the environment where the food is prepared. Is it clean enough? Be mindful and serious about what goes through you mouth.
2. STAY PHSICALLY ACTIVE: Exercise is just too important to not take seriously, especially now that most people are taking on jobs which see them sitting in air-conditioned offices for long hours. Make it a point to break a sweat! Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Occasionally take a stroll just for fitness sakes. And if you can afford a gim, patronize one. Burn some excess fat, guys!
3. MAINTAIN A POSITIVE MINDSET: Health is impossible without a positive mindset. In fact, psychological well-being is also a component of health as clearly stated in WHO's definition of health. Discard from your mind every harmful thought that makes you unhappy. Keep away from people who feed your mind with negative thoughts. Don't allow depressive thoughts make make you sick or suicidal. Dream BIG. Grow. Achieve good success and be genuinely happy.
4. KEEP A CLEAN, HYGIENIC ENVIRONMENT: The extent to which any nation or city is considered healthy is a function of how clean it is. There can never be genuine health in an unclean environment. Start with your room... keep it clean. Then move out and ensure that your immediate environment is kept clean as well at all times. Don't provide diseases and germs the enabling environment to replicate and cause epidemics. Be clean inside out.
5. CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR: This is too important. Don't wait until your symptoms cripple you before you start looking for help. At the first sign or symptom of discomfort, consult a doctor asap. Get medical help when that help can dramatically increase your chances of total cure. Don't die in silence.
Wiz Cares.
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