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Did you know?

Did you know?
The heart doesn’t rest right from the day it was formed but when it happens to rest, it rests forever.

Did you know?
No organism without aid (e.g. oxygen container for man) goes 20km below the sea level and comes back alive.

Do you know?
The pathogens (micro organisms causing disease) are themselves used as antibodies to fight against such disease caused by them as well as for vaccination.

Did you know?
The queen is the laziest individual in the termite community.

Did you know?
Soaking beans for 12 hours in water before they are cooked can help reduce the flatulence causing sugars and starches.

Did you know?
The best time to buy shoes is in the afternoon or early evening? This is because feet tend to swell during the day around this time.

Did you know?
The smell of chocolate increases theta brain waves, which triggers relaxation.

Did you know?
When a male tiger and female lion mate, they make a tigon. When a male lion and female tiger mate, they make a liger

Did you know?
Spiders use their silk in many ways. Aside from building webs, some species of male spiders wrap food in silk and offer these "presents" to females.

Did you know?
Only Asian people have black hair. Every other supposedly a black hair color is actually really dark brown.

Did you know?
The Leucocytes (WBC) is phagotic in function.

Did you know?
The biggest aquatic animal in the world is a mammal? Now guess the name of the animal on the comment box below, let's see the first person to get it!

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